
Monday, February 12, 2007

Look what I made

For Christmas, Steve organised for me to attend a one-day silver smithing class - it was last Saturday. After a bunch of hammering and banging and hammering and banging, with a bit of fire, acid baths (the pickle), etc. I made these...

Not bad for my first efforts. I know what I want for my birthday now - the next class!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

London at night

London has recently woken up to the fact that they don't have a festival of light - so they quickly put one together. Although pretty lame, it was still cool to see some of London's landmarks 'up in lights'...

As we walked away from the blinding Tower Bridge we came across something funkier...

Just goes to show that London can be pretty at night, even when it's not trying!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still pretty...

While everything is melting, it doesn't stop it from being really pretty. I had a wander around the area and our local park (South Park) at lunch time...

Oh yeah - we got outclassed by the neighbours!

It's melting

Well.... it never does last long.

It's snowing!

When Steve and I were both away from the UK, it was then that it snowed - on Australia Day! We were both gutted when we missed it.

Then the rumours started, around Tuesday, maybe earlier; there was a big snow coming - Woo Hoo!

And here it is - overnight the world suddenly turned white and pretty. I can say that - I'm working from home today. Poor Steve had to brave the English public transport system - who knows, it could be the wrong kind of snow.

Just to prove that not everything falls apart in the UK when it snows - our milkman still made it through!

Naturally we found the time to make a new friend, before I logged into work and Steve trudged off...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Why you shouldn't fall asleep at dinner...

This is Mark.
Mark fell asleep at dinner.

This is Steve and Karen posing for photos.
Mark doesn't know these photos are destined for the internet.

Back from Buenos Aires

My brother collects coke cans. "Bring one back from Argentina," he asks.

No problem. There's a shortage of space in my luggage, but I managed to buy one on the last day and stuff it in a corner.

Unfortunately it exploded in the hold.

Of course this can was in with the new suit, the presents for Bridie and a bunch of stuff that really shouldn't get wet, much less brown goo all over them.

I learnt a lesson about air pressure. And Bridie learnt never to put my luggage on her lap.