Once upon a time I thought I should get a patent. Seemed like a good thing to have the old resume; there is some geek credibility in patents. Unless it is an attempt to scam the patent system with a worthless entry and clog up the whole system. Hopefully mine is one of the former.
The abstract reads:
A method comprising automatically processing data to generate a software system, the data including a plurality of components and a plurality of references defining dependencies between said components for generating said system using said plurality of components, the method comprising the steps of: i) analysing the references; ii) determining the age of each of the components; iii) sorting the components according to age; iv) processing the steps determined in i) using means for interpreting said dependencies and means for generating said system following the order determined in step iii).
Which is pretty abstract.
What does it do? Well there is no need to write something complicated if I just explained it here, is there?