I promised a photo of me meeting the Queen... So here it is.
On the left (behind the head with glasses) you can make out Prince Philip, shaking the hand of our CFO Thomas Chambers. This is the point where he seemed to recognise the name
This seemed to be the 'Gold Room' in Buckingham Palace - despite it being called the
White Drawing Room. Everything is bright and chintzy, though I suspect it was like this long before it went out of fashion for the masses. This room definitely says you're in a palace.
Other rooms tended to be that dark red colour that is associated with royalty - not just the carpet, but up the walls too. I imagine you don't get much choice in colours when you're the head of state - purple might be the only other option.
And the thrones seemed a bit underwhelming. They were two low pink seats, suitably embroidered with E II R and P. I was hoping for something more dominating - something to remind us loyal serfs to behave because we are in the presence of power.