They practice saving a sinking ship.
So now we are in our bright orange jumpsuits about to do the same thing.
These things are waterproof, up to a point. And that point is when you're fully immersed, and the ship is officially taking on water.

And all we've got is a bunch of wooden wedges and a hammer.
The navy have obviously given this a lot of thought and there is a plan for all types of hole. It is not just about smacking wood into holes that are letting in the water. It's also about putting bracing poles in place and using whatever we can to seal up holes.
Seems easy? The water gushing in the holes is about 6 degrees, we are up to our waist in the water and the ship is rocking back and forth. So at times the water is up to your neck, filling you 'waterproof' suit with icy water.
Anyway, we seemed to save the ship. But you should be glad that the nations defences are not in our hands.
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