Well, it's a big news day for us. We're going to be parents.
It is still early days yet. Bridie is due at the end of September, so we still have six months to go. In the meantime, Bridie is already enjoying pregnancy with all the perks that come with it. While there has been no binge-eating of pickles and ice-cream, there has been the occasional random vomiting (which is never constrained to the morning). And now she has the superpower excuse for everthing - "I'm pregnant!"
It is too early to know the sex at the moment (nor do we have any desire to), but we have a nickname in the meantime - Ichi, from the Japanese for one or first. Why? Mainly because we were staying in the Dai-Ichi Hotel in Tokyo at the time, but also because this would be our first baby. And Bridie decided it would be a good name (see superpower reference above)
Here is your first chance to meet Ichi:

Anyhoo... stay tuned.
Congratulations guys!!!
I'm so happy for you both.
Obviously Sarah didn't scar Steve for life.
Make the most of the next 6 months coz life is really going to change. Hopefully Ichi won't be one of those random vomiters like my evil sporn.
Lots of Love and chocolate covered pickels,
Ruh roh, sprog alert!
Happy news, guys. Hope the pregnancy goes smoothly for you both.
On the name issue: You might want to choose a name that won't get weird looks from Japanese speakers. While "ichi" does mean "the number 1", by itself it doesn't mean "first"; that's "dai-ichi" like the name of the corporation.
Once you know the sex, you might want to choose a Japanese name; "Ichiro" for a boy or "Ichiko" for a girl would each be fine. (Don't choose "ichigo", which means "strawberry" and has nothing to do with "one" nor people's names :-) That's a decision for the future though.
Southern-style hugs from down under to the family.
Hey Babe!!
What a week!! Our Melbourne Tigers won the NBL championship, I flew out to the USA where I m now in the arms of Frank - the amazingly talented man who's captured my heart (significance being I have a real, live boyfriend!!!) and Bridie Louise is pregnant!!
I couldn't be more excited for you both! I just scared the heck out of Frank by squealing when I read your email and he thought I'd been attacked or something!!! I am also thrilled that I am going to be in London (or close enough to it) when the time comes for Ichi to make his or her appearance in the world (assuming you'll be staying there for the duration!!)
Please give each other a hug for me but I will be there in a few weeks to give you hugs myself!!
Wheeeeeeee!!! Thanks for sharing guys! Couldn't be more thrilled!
Love and hugs, Em x x x x x x x x x
Many congratulations to you both! MBA one week, baby another... what else?!
Hope to see you on skates soon, Steve!
Well well well, Schtevie and the Bridester are having a brood. Mighty fine effort that! I can tell you we are all impressed down here and very excited for both of you. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS. Major Devlin group hug to you all!
Enjoy every moment of it. These are very good times. And the "not so great times" in most cases, in hidsight, are a laugh riot!
Oh yeah, one last thing. This is very important. SLEEP NOW, before it is too late. (Who would have believed that Bon Jovi could have got it soooooooo wrong, but I guess the hairstyles were a dead give away really. Boufant Mullets.....puh-leeeze)
Congrats again and keep the good news coming as this world does not have enough of it.
Phil, Faye, Jade and Clay
Hi Steve, Bridie,
Many congratulations, sorry I haven't been able to keep up with any of the EMBA crew recently. Really, really great news .. hope all goes well and meet you up in May for the graduation with bump!
... and I hope Ichi sleeps well. A workmate was transformed into a shell of a man in mere weeks after the birth of his second child (the first one slept in four hour blocks). Apparantly its good to get more than one hour of sleep at a time.
Miss B told me you were pregnant, and I must admit I suspected she was pulling my leg :-)
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