
Friday, October 03, 2008

Out and about in South Park Gardens

Elly had her first trip to the park today.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't quite what we had requested - instead of warm sunshine, we got cold, grey and raining. Not at all surprising in October really. So Elly was rugged up nice and warm, loaded into her hot rod buggy and given a protective rain cover.

I have this urge to paint flames down the side of the buggy - or to give it go faster stripes. But Bridie insists that would not be the sort of carriage for a lady. I offered to bling it out in pink and frills, but that idea didn't even get acknowledged. Perhaps it is best I'm not left in charge of decorating. (Though I might have to fit a GPS unit on there when Bridie isn't looking - just to geek it up a bit)

On a sunny day this park is normally packed with young families. So much that you can barely see green grass for the number of blankets, picnics, Frisbees and kids. We almost had the park to ourselves today - except for a gardener and a posh man in a suit who seemed out of place. Maybe he was escaping from the credit crunch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you left something behind for the Wombles