
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Santa Skate 2008

Once a year the London skate community have their special Santa Skate. Hundreds of skaters donate some money to the skate, get a Santa outfit and go on a tour of the major sites of London. But this year was different - I went along too!

The weather threatened icy rain, the roads threatened slippery surfaces, and Santa threatened never to visit me again. Still I braved the elements and put on my big one-size-fits-all Santa suit, complete with white fluffy beard. Fully dressed I felt as warm as Santa, especially after he drinks the sherry.

It was a great skate - mainly for attracting onlookers and bemused motorists. Good clean fun was had by all. Though it is a pity I'm going to be getting coal this year in my stocking.


Anonymous said...

Quit hogging the lime light Steve.
More pictures of Elly please.

Anonymous said...

So where's the picture of you in the Santa suit, then? :-)

Steve said...

that's me in the background... with the santa suit on

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing about us!!
Happy New Year and all that from the SantaSkate, hope to see you again in 2009!