
Saturday, March 24, 2012

A beautiful day at Delphi

No sign of the Oracle tho'

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flower the Donkey

This is 'Flower' the Donkey - Elly's new best friend. She had made it all the way through the 2km or so from the entrance to the Treasury, but it was clear she wasn't going to make the same distance again, up 800 or so steps, to the Monastery.

So we enlisted the help of Flower. At first Elly was very reluctant to get on the donkey. But once dad was on, she jumped on too. After a minute or so, she was fine all by herself. And thereafter she was practically attached to the donkey.

And Nial, Flower's owner, was always at her side, guiding Flower and holding Elly on when necessary.

She became somewhat of an attraction; other tourists stopped and watched, Jordanians tried to touch her hair, and random people commented on how cute and happy she looked.

And eventually we made it all the way up to the Monastery. Yay!

Jordan Petra - just like in Indiana Jones!

This is the view you get as you walk through the Siq towards the Treasury... Tantalising...

And then you're through the gap and the whole thing is just amazing

Monday, March 12, 2012

Jordan Dead Sea - Salty...

This is the 'before' shot: Elly ready with her pink goggles, standing on the beach of the Dead Sea.

What happened next was a bit more traumatic, as the salty water started burning her skin and created rashes on her arms and legs. Elly started screaming, and Bridie raced her into a shower, but it wasn't until we got her into a cold pool that she calmed down.

Bridie and Steve were fine - tried floating for a bit, but the novelty wears off quite quickly. And yes, the water tastes terrible.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jordan Jerash - hanging with the Romans

Elly wandering the Roman streets of Jerash in northern Jordan.
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